Why Are My Hands Always Sweaty? Causes And Solutions

Understanding Palmar Hyperhidrosis: Why are My Hands Always Sweaty?

It might be a bit distressing when you can’t shake hands with someone because your palms are almost always sweaty. Known as Palmar Hyperhidrosis, this is not merely about having sweaty palms but excessively sweating hands, and it’s a condition experienced by about 1-3% of the population. Let’s delve into understanding the causes of why your hands are always sweaty and possible solutions.

What Causes Sweaty Hands?

Sweating is a natural process through which our bodies regulate temperature. As part of this, your sweat glands in the skin, when activated, produce perspiration. Normally, this is in response to an increase in your inner body temperature caused by physical activity, a rise in ambient temperature, eating spicy foods or stressful situations. However, people who experience sweaty hands are often coping with a hyperactive response from their sweat glands.

This unwarranted sweat response could be due to various reasons. Genes are a big factor, as hyperhidrosis is believed to be passed down the generations. The onset usually starts around puberty, but it can affect people of all ages.

Health conditions like hyperthyroidism, diabetes, nerve damage or menopause can lead to sweaty hands. Anxiety and stress can further exacerbate the condition. Despite the uncomfortableness and the distress Palmar Hyperhidrosis can cause, it’s not dangerous or a sign of a more significant health issue.

Treatment Options for Sweaty Hands

The first step for addressing sweaty hands is to consult a doctor or dermatologist. They can assess the severity of your condition and recommend the most effective treatment. Antiperspirants, iontophoresis (a procedure that uses electricity to reduce sweating), Botox injections, and medications can be effective for mild to moderate cases. Severe cases might require surgical options like Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS), in which a nerve stimulating sweat production is cut off.

Now, you may wonder, “how much is a excessive sweating treatment“? The cost depends on the type of treatment prescribed. Over-the-counter antiperspirants can be used inexpensively, while prescribed topical treatments can range from $50 to $100. Treatments like Botox can cost around $1000 per session, whereas surgical solutions like ETS can be upwards of $10,000. Note that costs can vary based on your location and insurance coverage.

Lifestyle Choices to Manage Excessive Sweating

Apart from medical treatments, changes in lifestyle and habits can significantly control sweaty hands. Managing stress and anxiety through therapies or relaxation techniques like yoga and mindfulness can alleviate symptoms. Keeping hydrated, wearing breathable fabrics, and maintaining good hygiene can also reduce excessive sweating.

It’s recommended to avoid triggers, such as spicy foods or caffeine, known to stimulate the sweat glands. Cutting back on alcohol and opting for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can make a difference.


The constant clamminess and embarrassment of sweaty hands can be disconcerting, but it’s crucial to remember that it’s a common and treatable condition. Visiting a healthcare professional can help you start your journey towards managing excessive sweating and improve your quality of life.